Gagik portrait

Hello, I'm Gagik Yeranosyan,
Software Developer with 5+ years of experience.
I build websites & apps.
I prioritizes customer satisfaction by creating
top-notch solutions for millions of users.

customer-centric, cost efficient and result oriented with strong leadership principles

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About me

Graduating with a degree in Technical University. I working in both sides front-end and back-end web development. I am a certified developer by Microsoft, IBM, META and Johns Hopkins University. I have strong leadership principles and customer obsession, and I love to take responsibility for any issues that arise.
My core part of programming is the problem-solving aspect, write clean and efficient code. I love the feeling of finally figuring out a solution to a problem. My core stack is React, Next.js, TypeScript, JavaScript, C#, ASP.NET Core Web API, Python, Node.js, MySQL, CSS3, HTML5. Work with testing tools like Insomnia, Postman. I am always here as a management solution to help you set business goals, currently looking for a full-time position as a software developer.

When I'm not coding, I enjoy playing tennis, developing my communication and leadership skills, reading books about economics, self-development, history and money. I thrive in collaborative environments, relishing the opportunity to both contribute to and learn from my teams collective experiences.

My projects


A healthcare HealthPro - patient management application that allows patients to easily register, book, and manage their appointments with doctors, featuring administrative tools for scheduling, confirming, and canceling appointments, along with SMS notifications, all built using Next.js.

  • React
  • Next.js
  • TypeScript
  • Twillo
  • Appwrite
  • Sentry
  • Tailwind
  • Shadcn/ui

Meeting - Video Call

Meeting is a video conferencing application that allows users to create video rooms schedule meetings share invitation links and save recordings It offers features like creating video rooms for meetings and conferences scheduling meetings and generating invitation links to share with participants saving recordings of meetings for future reference integrating React SDK for real-time video and audio communication and implementing Clerk for authentication and user management allowing users to sign up with GitHub or Google

  • React
  • Next.js
  • TypeScript
  • Clerk
  • Shadcn/ui
  • Tailwind
  • SDK for Video & Audio

Task Manager App

The Fullstack Task Manager Application utilizes CRUD operations and supports sign-up with Google. For data management, it employs Prisma along with MongoDB, ensuring efficient and reliable data handling. The application is fully responsive, allowing users to create accounts and easily manage their daily tasks.

  • React
  • Styled Components
  • Tailwind CSS
  • Next.js
  • Prisma
  • MongoDB
  • Clerk

E-Commerce Bilstein

Payload E-Commerce Bilstein allows users to sort items and supports CRUD operations for admin management The application handles CMS and access control with basic role-based access control to determine user permissions based on their roles Admins can access the Payload admin panel to manage the store view all data and perform all operations Customers cannot access the Payload admin panel and can perform limited operations based on their user permissions The application features pre-configured Payload config authentication access control shopping cart checkout paywall layout builder SEO and a website.

  • Payload CMS
  • Stripe
  • SCSS
  • React
  • Next.js
  • MongoDB
  • Tailwind

Weather App

The Weather App provides current weather data using the OpenWeatherMap API. With the Free Plan, I accessed current weather, a 3-hour forecast for 5 days, air pollution info, and geocoding. For validation and testing, I used Postman to implement and verify GET requests. The app fetches data with JavaScript's fetch() method and styles it with CSS and Material Symbols icons.

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JavaScript
  • Postman
  • OpenWeather
  • API
  • Insomnia

User Dashboard

The User Dashboard includes charts, such as a Bar Chart, Recent Orders, and Customers pages. To accomplish this, I used Next.js and npm to install packages and their dependencies. Additionally, I utilized Tailwind CSS for styling, always striving to follow modern design principles. All my data is saved as an ArrayList, which is an object capable of storing a group of other objects.

  • Next.js
  • React
  • Chart.js
  • Tailwind
  • Styled Components

Car Trade

The Car Sales site features a dark theme and focuses on HTML semantics for readability and SEO optimization. I integrated ScrollReveal for viewport animations, Swiper for a sleek catalog slideshow, and MixItUp to filter car categories by brand.

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JavaScript
  • Swiper
  • ScrollReveal
  • MixItUp

Technology Stack

Education & Certifications

Contact me

Please contact me directly at or through this form.